Jeff Nock explains developing an operating system to help scale a business

Iowa City-based consultant Jeff Nock reveals the basics of developing an operating system to help scale a business that’s truly effective.
Often companies that successfully launch hit a ceiling. This is because while the business model can be sound and customer base may embrace the product or service, the company can’t scale because their business doesn’t have a scalable operating system. That’s according to marketing and product development specialist Jeff Nock, a business consultant from Iowa City, Iowa, as he explains more about the process.
“In essence, companies can “wing it” in an entrepreneurial way and often get far due to hard work. But, eventually, there will be a need for more formal, documented processes that ensure that work is done in a prioritized and efficient manner,” suggests Jeff Nock, an Iowa City-based business consultant and marketing and product development specialist.
Beyond this, a business operating system should include a formalized method of using data to monitor success. There are a number of different scorecard methodologies that can be implemented to help companies know if what they are doing is working or needs adjustment. is what defines a company’s approach to everything from operations and going to market, to dealing with customers and clients, according to the expert. “It is proven that when companies pick the right metrics and consistently monitor those metrics, this enables teams to focus on making sure the results are positive. The emphasis on measurement is not intended to be punitive but rather a motivating reminder to excel in the prioritized areas,” Jeff Nock explains.
In addition to formalized processes and a scorecard, a business operating system should also include a personnel component that ensures that people who are added to the team not only have the skills to do their jobs successfully but also are compatible with the company’s culture. “Too often as company’s grow beyond a startup to a later stage company, they rush to hire and fill openings and end up bringing aboard people who don’t mesh with their culture. This inevitably affects the company negatively even to the extent of changing the company culture for the worse,” adds the expert.
Touching more deeply on personnel, Jeff Nock shared, “It’s essential to take the time to identify roles and responsibilities at a more specialized level. When companies first start, everyone is doing a little of everything. But as they scale, roles need to become more specialized organizational charts, without becoming overly bureaucratic, have to reflex these new, more defined roles,” suggests the Iowa-based business consultant, speaking from his office in Iowa City, Iowa.
Jeff Nock is the founder and CEO of Prescient Consulting, LLC, based in Iowa City, Iowa. Renowned for helping early-stage and mid-cap companies to achieve their visions and growth goals, Nock and his stellar group of partners have, together, now assisted more than 250 companies in building and executing successful strategic, business and annual operating plans. To find out more, visit